HQ Finance

Simple yet sophisticated, HQ FINANCE is a versatile software solution that cuts down reports preparation time and increase the quality and accuracy of information. Borrowers Outstanding Statement, Cheques Dairy, Interest Break- up Report, Deposits Average Interest, Receipts Generation etc.can be done at the press of few keys. All these will lead to full utilization of man- power, quality and accuracy in information and image among customers.

From the Creators of Chitcare: HQ FINANCE comes from the creators of HQ CHITS, the No. 1 Chitfund Management software of Andhra Pradesh. HQ CHITS has won the hearts of so many Chitfund companies and spread all over Andhra Pradesh. You can expect the same quality of product and support from HQ SOFT TECHNOLOGIES to make HQ FINANCE also the best.

Features of HQ Finance

Easy to Use

HQ Finance is so simple and easy to understand. It is not at all necessary to be computer literate. A person having typing knowledge and little accounts knowledge can master this software in no time.

Cheques Management

HQ Finance covers every movement of Cheques starting from Receipt to On Hand Cheques to Honoring of Cheques. With this, Bank Reconciliation becomes very easy and within no time, you can generate BRS and zoom for details with couple of clicks. You can also generate On-Hand Cheques Report, Cheques Dairy, Deposited but not Cleared, Cheque Returns Report, and so on...which helps every one to manage Cheques in the easier way.

Schedules and Receipts Generation

As soon as a Loan is granted, one can generate Schedule with all details like Date to be paid, Amount to be paid along with Loan details immediately. Apart from Schedules, all Customer related documents like Receipt, Intimation, Notice etc...can be directly generated from HQ FINANCE.

Late Payment Calculation Statements

Late payment calculation report can be generated which provides number of days delayed for each payment from collection date and calculates total number of days delayed. Based on the rate of interest given, HQ Finance can calculate the interest to be collected for late payments.


Access to HQ Finance is restricted by passwords. Besides sensitive information can be viewed, printed or changed only by using a special password.


HQ FINANCE comes with powerful zooming facility in almost all reports. That means, while viewing Loans Register, with a click, you can zoom for details of one particular loan and from there with another click, you can zoom for other details. From BRS to Pending Cheques list to receipt voucher to details, you can zoom with just couple of clicks.

Also On LAN

HQ Finance is also available for use on Networks which means that several persons can simultaneously enter transactions while a chosen few keep a track of Reports.

Backed By HQ Expertise

HQ Finance comes to you from HQ SOFT TECHNOLOGIES, a pioneer in developing and marketing premium quality software. HQ FINANCE is backed by HQ SOFT TECHNOLOGIES Comprehensive support & hands-on-training.
